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Allows inserting of Sketchfab models into a space.

3d Objects

60 Purchases


Business Plugin

The Sketchfab plugin integrated into the Spaces product provides a seamless way for space builders to incorporate Sketchfab models directly into their virtual spaces. With this plugin, users can easily import and display 3D models from the vast Sketchfab library, enhancing the immersive experience of their spaces. One of the key advantages of integrating the Sketchfab plugin into Spaces is the sheer diversity of 3D models available on Sketchfab. With over millions of models to choose from, space builders have access to an extensive range of assets, including furniture, architectural elements, vehicles, characters, and more. This vast collection empowers space builders to find the perfect 3D models to suit their specific needs and design aesthetics, enabling them to create rich and captivating virtual environments. By seamlessly integrating Sketchfab models, space builders can save significant time and effort. Instead of manually creating or sourcing 3D models from scratch, they can leverage the Sketchfab plugin to quickly import high-quality assets directly into their spaces. This streamlines the design process, allowing space builders to focus on crafting unique and immersive experiences for their audience. Additionally, the Sketchfab plugin provides a consistent level of quality assurance. Sketchfab is known for its stringent quality standards, ensuring that the models available on their platform meet high visual and technical benchmarks. By utilizing the plugin, space builders can be confident that the imported models will maintain their integrity and visual fidelity within their virtual spaces.

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Step 1: Install the Sketchfab Plugin
To begin, make sure you have administrative privileges in your space. As a space admin, you can install the Sketchfab Plugin by navigating to the toolbar and selecting: Plugins > Marketplace > Sketchfab > Install
Step 2: Insert Sketchfab Objects
After installing the plugin, locate the toolbar and choose: Insert > Objects > Sketchfab
Step 3: Sign in to Sketchfab
To access the Sketchfab library and add objects to your space, sign in to your Sketchfab account.
Step 4: Explore and Add Objects
Browse through the wide selection of objects available in the Sketchfab library. When you find an object you want to include in your space, simply click Add to import it. If you have previously saved objects under My Models in Sketchfab, you can access them by selecting the My Models tab.
Step 5: Enjoy Your Integrated Object
Once you have added the desired object, you will see it seamlessly integrated into your space.
We hope you enjoy the effortless integration between Spaces and Sketchfab. Give it a try now and take your virtual experiences to the next level!
P.S. Check out this Video Tutorial for a visual guide on how to add objects from Sketchfab.

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Version History

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Release Notes for 1.0.0

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